Hi, I’m Gervase
you can call me ‘G’
When I was 18 years old, I walked myself into a therapist’s office in NYC, unprompted. My family of origin was like a house on fire, and I had made myself responsible for rescuing everyone. All the while, I still somehow felt like I should be doing more. Like I wasn’t good enough and was failing everyone.
I learned quite a lot about myself and my relationships over the next ten years. I worked on that mother wound and that “good girl” programming. Hard people did not disappear, but my capacity to build better relationships with those people did.
Then came the wild portal that has been motherhood. In 2013, I gave birth to my first of three children. Her birth brought the fire of my personal rebirth. I burned away the corporate career and another layer of conditioning that I thought made me, me.
The next ten years offered more invitations to burn away old versions of who I thought I was and come back stronger and more me. Embracing the paradox of my identity—all my parts and stigmatized feelings.
My own healing journey has led me to facilitate the work I so desperately needed to create a sense of safety within myself. Since 2014, I’ve been guiding women back home to themselves.
My coaching sessions are intuitively led and trauma-informed. I integrate my trainings in coaching, hypnotherapy and focalizing (a somatic modality for regulation and resolution) to help women untangle who they’ve been conditioned to be from who they actually are. They learn to trust the wisdom of their bodies and souls in collaboration with their logical minds. It’s kind of magical, and we never know what’s going to happen.
If you’re here, you can trust your soul’s whispers that this is not “just the way it is,” and you’re not who you think you are.
When we are moved by the truth that how we experience our life’s circumstances and challenges has nothing to do with others — we realize, it’s all me.
My personal healing journey and hundreds of happy clients are proof that when a modern woman is willing and open to intentionally examine all of the pieces of herself and her life, everything can shift — one empowered, wide-awake choice at a time. Her whole life becomes a beautiful reflection of her sacred, paradoxical, human wholeness.
I walk my talk and am here to mirror to you that we get to be who we came here to be, hard choice after hard choice — when we honor our intuition as the authority.
Judgment and shame used to be my best friends, and while I still experience them (still a human, sorry), I am intimately familiar with how to dance with them and alchemize them into repair, resolution and evolution. I am absolutely certain that the solution to every challenge I experience as a modern woman, lies deep within me. Life has taught me that it all gets so much better when I give myself full permission to bring ALL of me to this one incredible life.
Introducing: The It’s All Me Mindset
“When we take radical responsibility and accountability for ourselves, we become more discerning about what stays, what shifts and what’s released.”
For 11+ years, I’ve been teaching mindful modern women how to build the life, relationships and careers they want – one rebellious act and conscious choice at a time.
This mindset is the foundation of my coaching process. In the gap between who you have been conditioned to be and who you are becoming, I will help you to strengthen the skills and neural pathways that make this way of woman-ing possible. With time and new tools, you will reclaim your power of your life, patterns, trauma and relationships.
Self-awareness, self-compassion, consulting your intuition and learning to trust her more than the external voices of your conditioning becomes your new normal.
I BELIEVE YOU’RE HERE to be ALL that you are
The moment we decide we are brave enough to re-imagine our lives to be lighter, freer, more joyful and more true… they get to be.
Happily and imperfectly married since 2010, I have called Charleston, SC, home since 2004. I enjoy dance parties, piles of children, way-too-deep conversations, and a boujée vibe anywhere, anytime.