WTF is up with Extracurriculars
Whether you are a mother, know a mother, or you’re influencing people's lives, you know how draining extracurriculars can be. As parents or caregivers, we may find ourselves exhausted from rushing the kids around to every practice known to mankind. As children, the pressure to be in everything or even be the best at something they don’t really care about could be crushing their creative spirit or motivation to participate. This is the line we walk as parents, feeling the pull to enroll them at a young age so they don’t “fall behind” but also wanting them to be able to express themselves, find their joy, and just be kids.
When G found herself beginning to unpack the “normalcy” of extracurriculars, digging into the nitty gritty questions - as she does so well - she came to realize how this topic spills over into our adult lives as well. And of course she couldn’t help but ask - WTF is up with that? Listen in to today’s episode and join G in radically changing the way that we view extracurriculars, not just for kids, but for grown ass women.