How I Move Myself From Hot Mess to Queen of My Kingdom Every Freaking Day
Are you feeling like the ruler of your empire these days or more the observer (or survivor) of chaos? Take a peek into G’s life as she shares how she navigates being a mother of three, an entrepreneur, part of a big family, and a very connected social creature.
Stepping into self-trust after a life of parenting yourself
Who am I, if I can’t keep the peace? Today’s anonymous coaching episode of the podcast is for all the little girls who grew up to be peacekeepers and good girls (so many of us), but lost trust in themselves along the way.
Why Self-Care is Old News and Will Never Be Enough
Listen up, busy women - let’s talk soul-care. Not the self-care bs of going out once a week (or month), but actual deep-rooted, nourishing, soul-care. We have been conditioned by our culture to think that feeling ‘fine’ is enough.
What the F is Hypnotherapy Anyway?
On this episode of The Champagne Society podcast, Gervase debunks the myths and stereotypes surrounding hypnotherapy and sheds light on the real-life experience and benefits. As a certified hypnotherapist, G takes us through her own personal journey with hypnotherapy and why she’s found it to be such a vital tool in changing the lives of her private coaching clients.
Making our kids our excuse and using Covid as our Phoenix moment
On this episode of The Champagne Society podcast, Gervase sits down with her long-time friend and client Vivian, one of the modern women who attended the free coaching session during Meeting Your Mother-Edge.
Solo Ep: Living with Depression: My Personal Journey
G gets super transparent about her lifelong journey with depression. She shares the three steps she implemented to shift into unconditional self-acceptance of her mental health, and the daily choices and habits that make it all possible.
The New Motherhood Paradigm: “I Get To Be The One”
On this special episode of The Champagne Society podcast, Gervase sits down with her newest friend Aubree and not only gives you an inside look into her intuitive coaching, but also some powerful mothering insights that may have you running for your tissues!
Autism with Courage + Consciousness
On this episode of The Champagne Society, we interview Jessie Lipscomb (aka “Momma Lips” on IG) about her life as a mom of (almost) three under 4 and her relatable and fascinating two-year journey since receiving her son’s autism diagnosis.
Suffering is Optional
On this solo episode of the podcast, Gervase gives you some tough love and lights a fire under your a**, reminding you that being a woman in 2021 is a privilege in itself, and it’s your responsibility to claim your worthiness as a modern woman—especially if you’re a mother. Oh, and also what suffering has to do with any of this, or—shall we say—all of it.
Erin Phillips: Brave, Not Lucky
Listen in on an interview with Social Media Expert and Entrepreneur, Erin Phillips, where we get into it all! Erin is the founder and CEO of Pinckney Palm, a social media agency that works with CEOs and businesses who market to women 25 to 55 on social media.
First-Time Mom Rites of Passage with Jay Ell Alexander
Jay Ell Alexander lives in Richmond, Va. with her husband, Chris, 15-month-old son, Chris, Jr. and their pup, Luna. She is the Founder and CEO of The Vaughn Strategy, a public relations strategy consulting firm and the owner and CEO of Black Girls RUN!
How to Be a Good Receiver
This week I recorded a special mini coaching episode to help you coast through the holidays!