Motherhood Gervase Kolmos Motherhood Gervase Kolmos

Breaking the Cycle of Fear-Based Parenting with Wendy Snyder

In this episode, Gervase shines a light on the pervasive belief: “I have to say or do the right thing, or they’ll be mad.” Gervase explores how this belief can not only trap you in cycles of self-doubt, stress, and rumination but also leads to self-abandonment. Join her as she shares insights into how the mind can mask trauma with obsession, frustration, and the relentless need to “get it right.” Keep listening to hear how you find the unique somatic soul strategy you need to bring yourself out of overwhelming obsession and into clarity, self-honoring, and groundedness.

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Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

PANDAS: Biggest Lessons Learned One Year Later

This week on the IAM podcast, after a full year of navigating her daughter’s PANDAS diagnosis,Gervase shares her lived experience of integrating relationship, resource, pleasure, and advocacy into her approach to life and her daughter’s health. Listen in as Gervase discusses the importance of finding your “lighthouse” relationship in stressful times, how to choose your truth even when it goes against what everyone else is doing, the cyclical nature of life, and her personal journey with food and her family’s health.

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Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

Creating Safety, Trust AND Boundaries with Your Kids with Destini Davis and Kiva Schuler

Join G and her guests Destini and Kiva this week on the IAM podcast as they have an in-depth discussion about peaceful parenting and the work necessary to make it a reality. Listen in as they discuss how the trending 'doormat’ version of peaceful parenting being highlighted on social media can actually be harmful to your child, why it’s vital to start with your own behavior and beliefs as a parent, and how you can create a bank of trust and openness with your child by avoiding overparenting. If you’re ready to carve a new path of parenting that creates safety, trust, and opens you and your child up for more resource, love, and true collaboration, listen in now!

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Mindset, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Mindset, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

Self Regulation Is My Family's Way Of Life. Here's Why

On this week’s solo episode of the It’s All Me podcast, Gervase discusses how she reverse-engineered bad parenting advice and used it as inspiration for her family’s practice of self-regulation. Listen in as she shares how we can navigate the challenges and lies that we’ve been sold by modern Mother Culture, why it’s vital that you honor your own nervous system, and some tangible, practical ways she resources herself all day long (and how you can too!). If you’re ready to step out of reactionary, fight or flight parenting and start feeling resourced when the waves of life try to drag you under, to be the rock that your child can coregulate to, listen to this episode now.

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Mental Health, Patriarchy, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Mental Health, Patriarchy, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

Co-Creating Safety and Harmony in Partnership with Josh Trent

Join Gervase and her guest Josh Trent as they discuss the impact of spiritual growth, the balancing of masculine and feminine energies, and the power of commitment to co-regulation within our intimate partner relationships. Listen in for insights on how to create safety within relationships, the difference between real and pseudo safety, and for a rally cry to both men and women to address our wounds and continue forward with both respect and ownership with our partners.

Dedicated to supporting humanity in coming together as one, Josh has spent the past 19+ years as a trainer, researcher, and facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. He is the Founder of Wellness Force Media, which exists to help humans heal mental, emotional and physical health through podcasts, programs, and a global community that believes in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Motherhood, Mental Health Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood, Mental Health Ember29 (Sophie)

An Introduction to CBD and How It’s Supporting My Family’s Needs with Nan Fox

On this episode of the It’s All Me podcast, Gervase sits down with Nan Fox, a registered nurse of 17 years and advocate for the organic hemp wellness company Green Compass. They discuss Nan’s journey from RN to CBD advocate and Gervase’s introduction to CBD as she looks for ways to naturally support her family’s needs. Keep listening to hear how CBD interacts with our bodies, the difference between CBD, hemp, and marjiuana, and how CBD could shift our perspectives on dealing with the pain we’ve been brainwashed to normalize.

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Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

A Peek Inside Our Family’s New (Food) Normal

From triage to coasting: Join Gervase on this episode of the It’s All Me podcast as she opens up about her personal journey through her daughter’s diagnosis and the changes they’ve made to carve out a healthier path for their entire family. Listen in as she discusses quieting her inner teenager during moments of meal planning overwhelm, how granola bars are the devil, and how she and her husband walk the tightrope of healthier food choices while keeping it fun for the kids. Keep listening for additional resources to dig into if you’re interested in carving out your own path of nutritional wellness.

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Motherhood Gervase Kolmos Motherhood Gervase Kolmos

Learning to Trust the Body, Plus What is “Focalizing”

We’ve been brainwashed to doubt our body, but it’s time to remember her innate power. Join Gervase on this week’s episode of the It’s All Me podcast as she discusses why this narrative of body disempowerment - that goes much (much) deeper than body image - recently surfaced for her on a personal level, how we can learn to trust our bodies, and how her training in focalizing has helped her and her clients reconnect to the body’s natural intelligence and healing abilities.

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Motherhood Gervase Kolmos Motherhood Gervase Kolmos

The Discomfort of Deconditioning from Mother Culture

Unpopular opinion alert: You can have boundaries with your kids. On today’s episode of the It’s All Me podcast, Gervase shares how this mind-blowing revelation is in fact a critical piece in the societal deconditioning of mothers. You don’t have to sacrifice every last shred of yourself to keep it all running. Listen in for a glimpse into how to change this pervasive narrative of martyrdom and self-abandonment.

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Motherhood Gervase Kolmos Motherhood Gervase Kolmos

This Generation of Moms is Parenting Consciously

If you're a part of this new wave of motherhood, you’re learning a lot and applying it in real time. In this solo episode of the IAM pod, Gervase discusses the ripple effect of the next-level consciousness of this new generation of mothers. Listen in as she validates how hard today’s mothers are working to heal our wounds and consciously parent and the two ways we can gift ourselves the next level of embodiment and wholeness.

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wtf is up with, Motherhood, Mindset Ember29 (Sophie) wtf is up with, Motherhood, Mindset Ember29 (Sophie)

WTF is up with Extracurriculars

Whether you are a mother, know a mother, or you’re influencing people's lives, you know how draining extracurriculars can be. As parents or caregivers, we may find ourselves exhausted from rushing the kids around to every practice known to mankind. As children, the pressure to be in everything or even be the best at something they don’t really care about could be crushing their creative spirit or motivation to participate. This is the line we walk as parents, feeling the pull to enroll them at a young age so they don’t “fall behind” but also wanting them to be able to express themselves, find their joy, and just be kids.

When G found herself beginning to unpack the “normalcy” of extracurriculars, digging into the nitty gritty questions - as she does so well - she came to realize how this topic spills over into our adult lives as well. And of course she couldn’t help but ask - WTF is up with that? Listen in to today’s episode and join G in radically changing the way that we view extracurriculars, not just for kids, but for grown ass women.

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Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

The Abortion Story Lawmakers Need to Hear with Sarah Frick

In today’s episode Gervase is talking with newfound activist and a Charleston force for abortion rights, Sarah Frick. Sarah shares her personal and painful story of losing her first baby, Grace, at three days old and the medical complication that led to her making the choice to abort her next two fetuses before finally birthing the three healthy children she has now. It’s messy and inspiring, as all the best stories are, which is why we hope this conversation empowers you to go share yours with people open to listening.

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Mindset, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Mindset, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

Calling in the coaching industry with Emily Cassel

G sits down with her current business coach and one of her oldest entrepreneur friends, Emily Cassel, for a juicy convo unpacking some “trends” they’ve been noticing in the coaching industry. From “word salads” to “downloads” and “codes in the quantum,” they are doing their damndest to discern, in real time, how to be regularly gut-checking whether the words we use and the way we market big concepts like femininity and intuition as coaches is ethical, in integrity and in service to a generation of women listening.

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Motherhood, Mindset Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood, Mindset Ember29 (Sophie)

Shifting the working mother narrative with Amri Kibbler of HeyMama

Gervase put back on her Champagne Society moderator hat in this conversation with new mom friend and NYC-based entrepreneur, Amri Kibler. Amri is the CEO of HeyMama and has been building a powerful community for mothers while also raising (wild) small humans, so we talk everything from the ride of motherhood and the four steps we believe mothers can collectively take to empower and improve the current state of the modern mother’s mental load and workplace bias.

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Motherhood, Mindset Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood, Mindset Ember29 (Sophie)

Rebirth Cycles and Reclaiming Our All-ness with the Yoni Codes

In this episode, I sit down with the amazing Melissa Makeiff and Katherine Blanco from The Yoni Codes podcast. The Yoni Codes explore the secrets of feminine consciousness with soul-expanding conversation, and there is no way this three-way convo won’t expand you! Listen in as we explore the mysteries of the divine feminine through the reclamation of motherhood, entrepreneurship, and relationships.

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Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

Mothering is Modeled, and You Get to Give What You Didn’t Receive

The hard truth is that many of us did not get what we needed or wanted from our mothers. On this solo ep of the podcast, G is back from a holiday break sharing a client experience that gets to be a reminder for all of us that you always, always have the choice to totally rewrite your story - as a daughter, a woman, a mother. G is here to remind you that you can create ANY experience for your own life as a woman, regardless of where you came from and where you’ve been.

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Mindset, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie) Mindset, Motherhood Ember29 (Sophie)

Unpacking the Mother Wound

G is BACK from Summer break and ready to drop some 🔥: Welcome to the new season of The Champagne Society podcast! On this episode, Gervase introduces us to writer, speaker, and Conscious Relationships Coach Galina Singer. Gervase and Galina expose the origins and unrealistic expectations of the ‘good mother’ narrative and speak to how self-awareness propelled them forward into healing their mother wound.

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